Needy Hibiscus

Needy Hibiscus

I was trying to figure out how to water you…
and your communication methods were new to me.

Just when I thought we had it down-
the circumstances changed.

The sun had different hours-
the coordinates were not the same.

Your leaves fell off.
You stopped flowering.

…I got frustrated
and wondered why I ever loved you in the first place.
Were you sick?
Was I the cause?

You didn’t know how to allocate resources
my care routine shifted.
Should I grow new leaves?
Big ones?
Go dormant?
What’s this new climate?

Of course you can’t see the forecast…

And understandably…
You didn’t trust I wouldn’t abandon you.

You thought I’d let you dry out
and get another.

So you wilted...
Or pop out shiny new leaves -just so I’d notice.
Mixed signals.

I think we just needed a better plan.
A better understanding of the signs.

It just felt like I was watering you from sun up until sun down.

But when in a perceived desert, water conservation is probably the last thing on your mind.

You’re a bit dramatic.

But I still love you
And I still need you.
Because I think we discovered a new oasis.
A New Oasis.
A New Oasis.
A New Oasis.
A New O…

The Tea Maker

Created By:
Mahzi Malcolm Martin


O’ Poppy.


Jimjam Pilea